By Rahasya Uncensored
Before I get started I must ask you, please, do not be offended because of what I’m about to write, or how I need to go about it. Let me start by saying how I feel, which I’m sure many of you can resonate with. I sometimes feel like I’m a person with vision in only one eye, which has obvious limitations like depth perception and three-dimensional vision. However, as I walk through the “Valley of the Blind” I can see the advantages of having vision, if only in one eye. The problem arises when I try to speak of things like color or rainbows. I suppose another allegory would be “Plato’s Cave.” Coming back into the Cave I now find myself as an outsider to even some of my closest friends who can only see the shadow of what I’m talking about. Some of the things I will be writing about are “Beyond A Shadow of a Doubt” true.
Now don’t take me wrong, I’m not saying I have special vision or an in-depth knowledge of the world we all live in. I’m simply saying that any of us can remove the blinders and walk outside into the light of day and see that there’s another dimension of perception awaiting us. But herein lies the problem…our ego personalities that have become attached and identified with living in the Valley of the Blind and seeing only our shadows on the cave wall cannot be part of a new perception of reality. This means that most of who we think we are cannot continue on the journey of awakening. This is far too deep to go into here but give this some thought.
It may help to give you a couple of examples I’ve experienced lately. I recently said something in one of my Community Emails regarding where we get our facts. Without even saying where I stood on any issue, I said we all might do well to stop getting our health information from politicians and corporate news media that at this point are little more than propaganda and entertainment channels. Well…I received emails back from people on my list saying that they have our best interests at heart, and only report the facts (The shadows on the wall). One person, a close friend, sent me his rebuttal which consisted of a page of facts and hard science information, but when I went to the sources it all came from…you guessed it, the politicians and corporate media. Another friend sent me a barrage of scientific data that was actually quite good but he sent it as a rebuttal when in reality he was agreeing with me. This is what I mean about people being so polarized that it’s difficult to communicate with them.
There are many other subjects that I no longer feel free to discuss anymore because of the amount of polarized and disinformed and misinformed people in our community. I’m not naïve, I know this sounds a bit patronizing and the last thing I would want to do is for you to feel like I’m talking down to you; but I honestly feel like some of this needs to be said and if this ends up being the last article I write it would be a small price to pay if it gets one person to open their eyes and walk outside the cave.
Fortunately, I have many friends whom I can openly converse with and yes…we can disagree without accusing each other of being a conspirator, a racist, or an insurgent or worse. We can talk, disagree and find common ground knowing that all disagreements are based around our backgrounds, beliefs and experiences in life, all of which have very little to do with facts and ultimate truths which are what we are all seeking; this is called “perceptual differences”.
It seems to me that we’ve reached a point in our society when we need to take a couple of steps back and understand the importance of dialectic communication as talked about by philosophers like Hagel. If we all lose the ability to sit down with someone and have an honest debate, look at the other side and find common ground to build on, we are doomed as a society.
I’ve learned the hard way what Bruce Lipton was talking about in our interview (in this issue), and the fact that you cannot, and should not try to force someone to open their eyes and walk outside in the sunlight and see that they have formed their perception of reality based on the shadows on the cave wall. It simply doesn’t work and begrudgingly I have to see that.
I’ve come to the point where I’m realizing that everyone has to follow their own paths in life and at some point, start seeing in their own time that the world around them is based almost entirely on instilling fear into us as a manipulative process to guide us deeper and deeper into the shadow world. How this happens is well documented by sociologists and neuroscientists; if a person can be kept in fear their frontal lobes, critical thinking, is almost entirely blocked.
Read the article by Valerie Strauss in the Washington Post called, “The Critical Condition of Critical Thinking”. The article is basically saying that most students would require too much discussion on current events because they lack truthful facts and are slow readers making critical thinking too time consuming. My question is, if we aren’t using critical thinking to solve our problems, what are we using? Obviously, my take on this is that “they” don’t want us to use critical thinking to decipher the world we live in. It’s much easier on those in charge to keep us in fear making it all but impossible to logically come to decisions based on a critical analysis of the problems that we face in today’s world.
Now, here’s the situation I find myself in. Everything I just wrote about will never get through to the very people it needs to, as a matter of fact, they probably stopped reading by now. Of course, the people with one eye open and are living outside the cave understand this all to well, but how to reach the vast majority of people is the question. And here’s the answer, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world ~ Gandhi”
In my interview with Bruce, he puts it another way, in the movie When Harry Met Sally, there’s a part where Meg Ryan is faking an orgasm and the lady at the next table told the waiter, “I want what she’s having”. I’m not a master wordsmith or an enlightened philosopher and I can’t find the words to navigate around a person’s ego constructs based on a world that is collapsing. All I can do on a personal level is live a life worth living which means a life that is continually being self-examined.
I’m assuming that it’s the adults in the room that are still reading this and I would be remised as a publisher if I didn’t at least try to open a few eyes, even at the risk of being attacked.
I have almost infinite patience with people who pull out the race card because I know they have exhausted their repertoire of attacks that have now failed. I have patience with the people who have told me that reading a Dr. Suess book to children because it depicts black birds as black people or a Chinese person using chop sticks is detrimental to their well-being, while at the same time on prime time television they can watch the Emmy Awards where Cardi B singing “My Wet Ass Pussy” which has something to do with the necessity of having a bucket and mop and doing something with another woman that would have been pornography a few years ago, is no problem at all. I could continue with the insanity of things like our governor locking us all down while he eats out with his friends and almost every politician breaking their own rules, except in Florida and Texas. I won’t even get started on the illegal immigrants who are being victimized daily before and after they cross the border, excuse me, they are called undocumented citizens now. Just today, May 1st, one of many homes used in Texas as temporary housing for human traffickers was busted, over 90 people inside this Houston home. And how is it that China can reprimand us and condemn us for human rights issues while they enslave and imprison over a million wegers in their own country. And am I surprised that Russia is now forming an alliance with China after we refused them when they asked us for a reset and to align ourselves with them. I’m not surprised but I am alarmed.
I could continue with the insanity going on in our world right now and it would get us nowhere because people don’t, or can’t, see the finer details happening in plain sight. The one thing I absolutely do not have patience with are people who refuse to look into child sex trafficking because it makes them feel uncomfortable. I wrote about a lot of things in past articles, like Chemtrails, Are We Heading Towards Totalitarianism?Are UFO’s Real, Are We Alone, Freedom of Speech and the collapse of our financial system and our environment, all of which are on our doorsteps now, but some of the most important articles were about real people like Tim Ballard of Operation Underground Railroad which the new movie, Sound of Freedom is based around. Jim Caviezel plays Tim Ballard and is clear about what he went through making the movie and what he saw. He said that the movie could have never been made through Hollywood because they are too involved in the trafficking themselves. A few actors like Keanu Reeves are attempting to wake people up on this issue.
History will judge us, not on how cool our cell phones are, or how some people wear $400 dollar tennis shoes while others have no shoes at all, or even how we divide ourselves according to how much melatonin we have in our skin. We will be judged on how well we took care of our elder population and how well we protected and cared for our children.
If we don’t learn from history, we are destined to repeat it so I highly suggest you do some reading and study ancient civilizations, that are now in ruins I might add, and more recent empires and civilizations like the British Empire, Roman Empire, the Greek Empire, and China just before they were invaded by the Mongols and Genghis Khan. They all had a few things in common. They diluted their money systems, depleted their middle class, their military expansion drained their coffers and weakened their inner cities, their borders were left unprotected, and their resources were depleted causing trade wars with their neighbors. In 2020 we printed up over 40% of all the money we’ve ever printed (if this worked, Zimbabwe would be one of the richest countries on the planet), our middle class has lost its wealth and its voice in government, our military budget is larger than many other countries combined and we have over 800 military bases in over 80 countries. Many of our inner cities are on fire with little or no law enforcement, our southern border is wide open with many of the immigrants are from known terrorist countries, and we depend on countries like China for many of our supplies like anti-biotics, pharmaceuticals, and a long list of necessary household products. And let’s not forget that much of our farmland is being bought up by foreign countries and globalist billionaires.
I would like to leave you with this, every passing moment has within it the seeds of what we will become tomorrow. I’ve learned that it’s imperative to know what’s going on in the world and at the same time not be attached to it, “Be in the World, But not of it”. One of the things I learned while living on a sailboat was to navigate without instruments using “dead reckoning”. This is when you sit down with a map and make a dot where you were, then make another dot where you’re at, then take a ruler and draw a straight line to see where you will end up. When I do that, see where we’ve been and now where we are at, it no longer takes a genius to see that this will not end well unless we make some serious well thought out course adjustments.
I will leave you with some wise words from someone who paid the ultimate price for standing up and trying to warn us about what is now upon us, as did Eisenhower.
“So, let us not be blind to our differences--but let us also direct attention to our common interests and to the means by which those differences can be resolved. And if we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal.” JFK
Thank you for your time and understanding that much of what I’m writing about here is difficult to put into words, and as Bertrand Russel once said, “I would never die for my beliefs…because I could be wrong.” And let’s not forget “Don’t kill the messenger”